Guerra Holdings: Intellectual Property and Patent Services, Real Estate and Transportation, Science and Technology, Entertainment, Retail Business, Marketing, Consulting and Branding Services.
Guerra Holdings is the umbrella company of multiple subsidiaries. Its portfolio currently spans most major industries including, but not limited to, real estate, manufacturing, distribution, logistics, transportation, and many more. Its President and CEO are Francisco Guerra, a successful entrepreneur, business developer, author & and serial inventor. Guerra Holdings aims to be the very best at everything to which their name is attached.
A little bit about Francisco: Cuban immigrant, magician to millionaire inventor, Francisco Guerras’s heartwarming personal journey of discovery is proof positive that the increasingly elusive and highly romanticized American Dream is still possible, and attainable to those who don’t have Ivy League educations or large trust funds to subsidize their goals.
Yet there is so much more to this simple story, for at its heart is the heart of Francisco himself. Indeed great as Francisco’s business wisdom, personal accessibility, and a kindness that is exceptional for so busy and charismatic and individual. As a CEO, fairness is this bottom line.
Cuban immigrant, magician to millionaire inventor, Francisco Guerra’s heartwarming personal journey of discovery is proof positive that the increasingly elusive and highly romanticized American Dream is still possible, and attainable to those who don’t have Ivy League educations or large trust funds to subsidize their goals.
“Every once in awhile a reader will happen upon a story that grabs them by the throat and wont let go. We live for these stories. They are magical. Validating. Utterly Inspired. these stories almost always shake us up, wake us up, incubate in our brains, and bear all kinds of fruit of the imagination.”